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She Took Pure C8 Keto MCT Oil for 7 Days and This is What Happened

Pre-Physician Assistant student and wellness influencer, Angie Hernandez (@l0ve4fitness), struggled with fatigue and bloat so when she heard about the energy and metabolism-boosting benefits of Organic Pure C8 Keto MCT Oil, she decided to try it for herself!

Angie’s Backstory

Since 2015, Angie had struggled with fatigue, and then a few years later, bloating became another constant issue. And it didn't stop there. In addition to these frustrating and uncomfortable symptoms, joint pain also began to plague Angie until eventually, she diagnosed with an autoimmune condition.

Instead of continuing to regularly take Ibuprofen and Tylenol to manage her joint pain and discomfort, Angie decided to seek holistic solutions with the approval and guidance of her Rheumatologist. As a result, she discovered how critical good nutrition and exercise are to overall health and this led her to make major lifestyle changes of her own.

Clean Eating as Preventative Medicine

Angie’s first step on her path to self-healing was to clean up her diet.

I do believe there is a time and place for prescription medications, however, in some cases, that can be avoided by simply changing your diet," says Angie. "Now I’m eating more organic produce and eliminating foods that cause inflammation.

One specific upgrade she made was swapping inflammatory convenience foods for grilled vegetables and lean meats. Instead of muffins and cereal for breakfast, she now enjoys eggs and turkey bacon. Her advice, “I always try to incorporate vegetables in my meals like asparagus, broccoli, cauliflower, and zucchini.”

“[I believe in] taking lifestyle changes as seriously as you would a medication because those lifestyle changes will prevent you from having to take those medications.”

Angie’s clean eating also encompasses her pre- and post-workout nutrition. As someone who loves LISS fasted cardio and lifting weights, Angie typically works out while fasting, then she refuels her body with high quality, organic protein. “After [my morning workout] I’ll have a protein shake. I use the Natural Force Coffee Bean Organic Whey Protein and it’s really yummy,” she says.

Ultimately, switching to a clean, whole food diet had an incredible impact on Angie’s health, allowing her to get off her medications and holistically manage her autoimmune condition. Despite these improvements, however, she was still struggling with brain fog, bloat, and fatigue throughout the day.

Unwilling to settle for this, Angie continued to seek natural solutions and next decided to experiment with a high-fat diet.

“I know that people with autoimmune conditions tend to do well on low-carb, high-fat diets, so I wanted to give it a try.”

Angie’s Go-To Clean Source for Healthy Fat

Eating more fat proved to be challenging for Angie until she discovered MCT oil.

“I knew I wasn’t getting enough fats in my diet, which is what pushed me to add MCT oil into my meals, whether it was cooking with it or adding it into my protein shakes or even just in my almond milk.”

Angie immediately fell in love with MCT oil because of its unique anti-inflammatory, and cognitive and energy-boosting benefits. “It was really easy to incorporate it into my diet. Since it’s flavorless, you can pretty much add it to anything.”

Angie quickly gravitated toward Natural Force Organic MCT Oil and MCT-based Natural Force Creamy Vanilla MCT Oil.

Says Angie, “The quality and where it’s sourced are important, and I don’t have to worry about that with Natural Force,” she says. “I like that Natural Force is very open about their products and that all the information is on their website.”

When Angie heard about Natural Force’s brand new Organic Pure C8 MCT Oil, a pure C8 MCT oil (the most ketogenic type of MCT), she was intrigued.

Because Organic Pure C8 MCT Oil quickly converts to ketones, a source of energy known for revving up the metabolism and sharpening focus, Angie wanted to try it for herself to see if it could improve nagging symptoms of fatigue and bloating.

Angie’s Results with Keto MCT Oil

To put Organic Pure C8 MCT Oil to the test, Angie took it every day for 7 days and tracked her results. She simply added a tablespoon to her coffee before a GRE study session or took a tablespoon straight off the spoon to boost her energy before workouts.

Angie quickly began to experience the effects of Organic Pure C8 MCT Oil on her hunger and fatigue.

“The first 3 days there wasn’t much of a difference. But after the third day, I had more energy and my cravings were gone!”

Here are the 3 major benefits Angie reported after taking Organic Pure C8 MCT Oil for just 7 days:

Improved Focus

One of the benefits she noticed immediately was an improved ability to concentrate. “I would mix the Organic Pure C8 MCT Oil into my coffee right before I started studying. I sometimes get distracted from studying, but [during this challenge] I instantly felt more focused and more productive.”

Higher Energy Levels

Another benefit Angie’s experienced as an overall increase in energy levels. “If anyone is experiencing low energy levels or if they want [added energy] before a workout, Organic Pure C8 MCT Oil is a good option. You get a lot for what you pay. It lasts a long time.”

Suppressed Appetite

One of the biggest changes Angie noticed was that her appetite dramatically decreased.

“I just followed Natural Force’s advice on the back of the bottle and took the recommended amount of MCT each day. After the 3rd day, it was like a switch, I didn’t feel hungry at all. Another thing I noticed was that I didn’t even have cravings. [As a result], I noticed that my stomach looked flatter and I didn’t have as much bloating.”

Thanks to Organic Pure C8 MCT Oil, Angie has been able to take a major step closer to achieving her goal of naturally healing her bloating and fatigue. These incredible results have left her excited to continue incorporating Organic Pure C8 MCT Oil into her diet.

Learn more!

Take the Organic Pure C8 Keto MCT Oil Challenge!

Are you ready to experience more energy, a flatter stomach, and sharper mental focus? Then it’s time to give Organic Pure C8 MCT Oil a try! All it takes is 1-3 tablespoons a day to see a significant change in your health and well-being.

How to get started:

1. Stock up on Organic Pure C8 MCT Oil

Click here to order a bottle of the highest quality Organic Pure C8 MCT Oil on the market.

Natural Force Organic Pure C8 MCT Oil is:

  • 100% C8 MCTs, delivering 13 grams of C8 per serving
  • Made from sustainably grown and humanely harvested non-GMO coconuts
  • Third-party lab tested for purity and the absence of health-harming toxins (in fact, you can check out our test results here)
  • Packaged in a pure glass bottle so there is no chance of plastic leaching into the product.
  • Keto, Paleo, Kosher, Halal, and Vegan Certified

2. Use Pure C8 MCT Oil For 7 Days

For best results, simply take 1-3 tablespoons of Organic Pure C8 MCT Oil every day for 7 consecutive days.

Here are some easy ways to incorporate Organic Pure C8 MCT Oil into your routine:

  • Blend a tablespoon into your morning coffee for a frothy, creamy brew
  • Add a tablespoon into your daily smoothie
  • Drizzle a tablespoon on top of steamed vegetables
  • Or simply take a tablespoon Organic Pure C8 MCT Oil straight off the spoon!

3. Track Your Results

Keeping a daily food log can help you see when the proven benefits of Organic Pure C8 MCT Oil start kicking in. After a few days you may notice:

  • Higher Energy Levels:
  • Since C8 MCT is immediately broken down by the liver and converted to ketones, it provides a fuel source that can quickly increase the body’s energy production.

  • Boosts Metabolism and Burns Fat:
  • Not only does Organic Pure C8 MCT Oil support overall digestive health and a balanced gut microbiome, but it can also increase energy expenditure, which may accelerate fat loss.

  • Increased focus and concentration:
  • The brain can only use glucose (sugar) or ketones for energy. By providing a rich source of ketones, Organic Pure C8 MCT Oil keeps the brain fired up without the damaging effects of blood sugar spikes. This may be one of the reasons that researchers have found it useful in preventing neurodegeneration.

  • Mental clarity:
  • Regular consumption of high quality MCTs has been linked to enhanced cognitive function which may slow age-related mental decline.

  • Suppressed appetite:
  • Organic Pure C8 MCT Oil helps the body fight hunger by suppressing the hormone ghrelin. This will keep you feeling full between meals and can help reduce snacking and overeating.

  • Higher ketone levels:
  • Organic Pure C8 MCT Oil is instantly converted into ketones by the liver, which helps your body achieve ketosis faster.

    4. Share Your Experience

    We’d love to hear about your experiences with Organic Pure C8 MCT Oil so please tag us on social media @mynaturalforce and use the hashtag #mynaturalforce when you #humblebrag about the energy-boosting, fat-burning, brain-enhancing benefits you’ve experienced thanks to Organic Pure C8 MCT Oil!

    We want to see you succeed, so if you have any questions or need help along the way, our world-class customer support team is here for you! Just email us at and we’ll happily answer your questions.

    UP NEXT: Best MCT Oil for Keto: Boost Ketones & Energy with Pure C8 MCTs

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